Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Omega 3 Uses

According to the BBC Radio 2 program yesterday the government is thinking about proposing that schools administer fish oil supplements to all pupils. Now whilst the trials that have been done so far on Omega 3 have proved really positive with aiding children's concentration and an apparent increase in reading age and ability, is it really down to the government to decide whether children get a supplement or not? Surely it is the parents duty and choice to decide for themselves what they want to give their children?

However, if you are considering getting a supplement to give your child or perhaps to take yourself like I do if you click on the link above this post it will take you to a good nutrition page where there are 2 links for Omega 3 supplements, one for the UK and one for the USA. Both these companies sell a pharmaceutical grade fish oil. You have to be careful when buying fish oil, just because the label says 1000mg fish oil does not mean that it's 1000g Omega 3 fatty acids. Check for a high concentration of fish oils. The cheapest doesn't necessarily mean the best, all that will happen is you have to take more of the product and therefore buy more of the product in the first place. The company I recommend in the UK - Health and Essential Ltd has also been featured on "This Morning" and in "The Times".

For USA shoppers I've recommended

Neptune Health

(disclaimer: The information provided on this site, or linked sites, is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from your doctor or other health care professional. Product information contained herein has not necessarily been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.)